How yoga could benefit your child
There is no doubt that any form of exercise is important for a child’s physical health but the wonderful thing about yoga is that it’s so...
How to #yoga #PARTY Banana Studio style…
I couldn’t be more grateful that I teach yoga and mindfulness to people of all ages for my actual job, but when I got a call the other...
Turning your world upside down #teen #yoga #love these girls!
We were rocking our head and handstands in teen yoga class today. There are so many reasons why, literally, turning your world upside...
To Grow Up a Yogi: Interviews with Three Lifelong Practitioners
Children today are under as much stress as adults. And with the busy, achievement-oriented lives they lead, kids need tools to help them...
Yoga Generates Huge Benefits for Children with Autism
By BY Hannah Brandstaetter ON October 30, 2014 for Yoga International Yoga is growing in popularity in the U.S. as a complementary...